Team 91 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does my daughter need to play at a Team 91 Lacrosse program?
A: Girls will need full equipment - this includes stick, goggles, mouthpiece. Please have them bring water as well.

Q: Where can my daughter purchase lacrosse equipment?
Lacrosse equipment can be found at a number of online retailers. We prefer but if you prefer brick and mortar, you can visit Play It Again Sports and Dicks Sporting Goods.

Q: My child is going to miss a session, do I need to let anyone know?
Yes. We understand there is life outside of lacrosse, however communication with coaches is important to planning effective club practices, camps, and leagues.

Q: It is raining and I don’t know if I have lacrosse.
You probably do. We rarely ever cancel. If there is lightning and we are going to cancel, we will send you emails and alerts to any adjustments we make. Don't assume something is canceled because of weather if you don't receive a notification.

Q: What is my role as a parent and how can I help my son and Team 91 Lacrosse?
Be patient. This is a process. We spend a ton of time and energy working with all of the athletes we coach and they are not going to radically change their game over night. If they work at it as hard as they can and they listen to our coaches, they will continue to improve. You will see a heavy amount of instruction early on with all of our programs and you will see it pay off in the future.

Be supportive. You are bringing your child to us to teach him how to play lacrosse and grow as a young man/lady. We have some very good coaches and role models. Please let our coaches’ coach and be realistic with the expectations you have for your son or daughter. Regardless of what they do well or poorly, recognize you as a parent are lucky that you got to watch them play a game and run around with friends. In 10 years, they are not going to remember whether they won or lost a game. However, they will remember the relationships they developed with coaches, other athletes and you as a parent.

Here is a great article for those interested in the role of parents in athletics:
If you are interested in supporting Team 91 Lacrosse, the best thing you can do is talk about your positive experience with other families. We believe in what we are doing and hope you do as well. The greatest compliment you can ever give us is telling someone else about your positive experience. Thank you in advance for all of your support.

Q: Outside of the Team 91 programs, how can my daughter improve?
If your daughter wants to improve as a lacrosse player, they should have their stick in their hands as much as possible. They should start by playing wall ball for 30 minutes to 1hr every day. After wall ball, your child should be working on their speed and athleticism by running sprints and jumping rope. If your child can catch, throw and run. They will have much more success on the lacrosse field. We regret to inform you that we have not found a way for athletes to become better lacrosse players without working as hard as they possibly can to develop better stick skills and become a better athlete.

Q: What does my child need to do to make a Team 91 select/club team?
Please see above. It is expected that all of the Team 91 Select/club team members spend hours on the wall every day and have advanced stick skills, speed, athleticism and strength.

Our goal is to field the most competitive teams in the southeast. If you want to play for the Team 91 Select program, you are expected to compete as hard as you can every time you step on the field, be coachable and have a positive attitude.

Q: What if I have a question or concern not covered here?
Please contact our program directors and they'll be happy to answer any questions that you have!